Mon. Sep 9th, 2024

Hammermen Awards

Hammermen Awards and Prince Philip Prizes

Each year, The Incorporation of Hammermen make up to 24 Hammermen awards of £300 to engineering students (from ALL branches) to the 4 colleges and 4 universities within the greater Glasgow area.

From the 24 students who receive the Hammermen award, 2 students will be shortlisted for the Prince Philip Prize. The Prince Philip prizes are awarded to the best University and the best College student who are most deserving of this prestigious prize.

University Applications

Open to students in their penultimate year or final year who are studying for an undergraduate degree course in any branch of Engineering at Glasgow, Strathclyde, West of Scotland and Glasgow Caledonian Universities (1 winner/ campus).

Prize – £2,000

Colleges of Further Education

Open to apprentices, graduate apprentices and students of all F.E. Colleges in the former Strathclyde Region engaged in any form of engineering course (1 winner/ campus).

Prize – £2,000

Click the Hammermen logo below to download the 2024 awards application form.