Sat. Jan 25th, 2025

Welcome to the DC Newsletter, the second in a series over the coming year, which we are calling Trading Post. With so many of our traditional events cancelled or transferred to a zoom platform, it is important that we continue to spread news and share ideas across the Trades House family of crafts and organisations.

Download the full newsletter or read important highlights below!

Glasgow Spirit of Christmas Appeal

Dear Friend,
Trades House are pleased to be supporting the Glasgow Spirit of Christmas Appeal, donating funds for young people (13-16 age range).

Covid-19 has put enormous pressure on services and the numbers of young people requiring support has dramatically increased.

You may have already donated, but you can still help by making a financial contribution which will be converted into gift bags.

To donate:
BACs transfer to ‘The Trades House of Glasgow’
Bank of Scotland
Sort Code 80 – 11 – 80 Account 10293962
Ref: GSOC-20

Gift Aid: to add value to your donation, please email with your name, house number, and post code.

Have an excellent Christmas!

Ken Dalgleish
Deacon Convenor

Angling for Support

David Ogg, Secretary of the Trades House Angling Section is retiring and there is a need to reel in a replacement.
Roy Scott, Ex Convener writes “Fellow Anglers could I please remind you that we will be losing our much respected and efficient secretary this year. The Angling section is a long standing and most enjoyable gathering of fellow craftsmen and women. Even if the fish do not bite! It would be great with the potential of life returning to normal, if we could get someone to take over from David.
The individual does not need to be an angler, just a good organiser. I am willing to guide if necessary.”