Trades House of Glasgow Modern Apprentice Awards
This year, once again, there will be no competition for the popular GMAA event and prize giving. The awards ceremony, with contestants and their families present, is held just after the Craftex exhibition each year in early June. Lynn Dalgleish, GMAA Coordinator said “We look forward to the competition returning in 2022 – bigger and better than ever!”
Our March newsletter features the full story of Emma O’Halloran, the GMAA winner in 2019 who went on to win Apprentice of the Year in Scotland through the Skills Development Scotland competition. This is the fifth time that GMAA winners in recent years have found national success in Scotland. Please help publicise the Awards programme with your Craft members and industry contacts. Lynn stated “We are always keen to attract candidates from small to medium sized organisations who may have smaller apprentice programmes than the larger companies.”
School Craft Competition
The School Craft Competition is an annual event which supports one of the three main aims of the Trades House namely, to encourage the continued development of craft skills. It is open mostly to S3 – S6 pupils in all Glasgow Schools who are engaged in the areas of design, manufacture and technology. Originally concentrating only on the design and manufacture of wood and metal objects, the subject areas have significantly increased and now involve Technology: S3 Broad Education; Design and Manufacture in Wood & Metal; Graphic Design; Engineering Science; Graphic Communication; and Art: Art and Design.
The entries are judged by a committee of volunteers from the Crafts, all of whom find the experience interesting, enjoyable and extremely rewarding. We are actively seeking additions to the committee as sadly, in the last two years, we have lost a number of members. Should you be interested in becoming involved with the competition, please forward your personal contact details (including craft) to Jackie Mullen at the Trades House Office at jackie.mullen@tradeshouse.org.uk